Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 9, 2009

Taurus Woman - Entry for September 18, 2008

Đăng ngày: 12:18 19-09-2008 Kooky - Stubborn hehe...

Bà này viết hơi bị đúng! Quỉ thật sao mà đúng thế nhỉ! hì hì...Kinh!

"When a Taurus goes out the door, she has left. There won't be any sheepish returns to try again. The back of her broad shoulders will be the last you see of her. Nothing you can say or do will persuade her to reconsider."

A Taurus employee, whether she's exceptional or average, is always an outstanding worker, and one of her most endearing qualities is her willingness to take orders without resentment. The reason behind it is simple. She has an inner conviction that the way to become a boss who gives orders is to be first a cheerful subordinate who takes orders.

Such an attitude is obviously quite a bonus, but don't let her kindly disposition or her sensible acquiescence to superiors fool you into thinking she can be easily shoved around. She has a sort of Machiavellian detachment toward those who think they're manipulating her, and she'll handle them with smooth tact and diplomacy. In the end, Taurus will have her own way. However, when her personal emotions are trampled on or her deep pride is hurt, her cool steadiness may disappear and be replaced by a childish stubbornness. ... but if the cause isn't rectified immediately, she'll simply leave, and she won't glance behind her. When a Taurus goes out the door, she has left. There won't be any sheepish returns to try again. The back of her broad shoulders will be the last you see of her. Nothing you can say or do will persuade her to reconsider. The bull makes up her mind so slowly in the first place, there's never any need to take a second look at the matter.

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